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We are a group of Incline Village residents who believe we can make a significant impact on enhancing our community.


Throughout our lives and careers, we have made it a priority to give back to the communities and people who surround us.  As strong advocates of creating a healthy, clean environment, years ago we began collecting litter on our twice-daily walks.  Soon we began to wonder, what if we could recruit other volunteers to do the same thing and really make a difference!


As we made our circuits through various neighborhoods, we also thought about how small enhancement projects might be able to make a huge difference in beautifying our village.  Soon our thoughts turned to another way to positively impact the community; that is, by supporting community social events that bring our neighbors together.


This is how the Incline Village Enhancement Fund was born.  We hope you will be inspired to participate, either by volunteering to collect trash, coming up with enhancement project ideas or community social events, or by donating to allow these efforts to be realized.


Please take a moment to review all these options by following the links on the Home Page.  We look forward to hearing from you.




IVEF's Board of Directors 


Steven D.K. Ross, MD, President

Maren Sowerby Ross, MD, Treasurer

Randy Ruch, Secretary

Theresa Hall, Communications and Technology




About IVEF

The Incline Village Community Enhancement Foundation (IVEF) is a non-profit organization that aims to enrich the Incline Village community by promoting a cleaner and healthier environment, supporting village enhancement projects, and connecting our neighbors through community social events  Our goal is to make a positive impact on the community and improve the quality of life for all residents. 


We believe that community members can play a vital role in these efforts by participating in any of our 3 initiatives:  Trash Clean Up; Beautification Proposals; and Community Social Events.  


Learn more on how you can make a difference by exploring our Home Page.

Incline Village Enhancement Fund, Inc.

930 Tahoe Blvd., #80266

Incline Village, NV 89451


Registered Charity number-92-1252744 

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